Blog 7
Blog 7 Weekly summary This week we started to talk about the principles of Design, they are, balance harmony rhythm proportion scale emphasis contrast detail We talked about balance and Harmony. Balance is critical to feel a sense of equilibrium in a space. Balance is about achieving visual weight by strategic placement of objects as well as through lines, shapes, colors, and textures. There are three different types of balance, they are, symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symetrial or Formal balnce typically require symmetrical balance Symmetrical balance is easy it is where there is an axis and one side of the axis is the same as the other This balance can be static or boring Aysomtical or Informal Balance Blcne without exact duplication This balance is Interesting and dynamic This is a more difficult balance to make look good Radial Balance goes out in a circle good for commercial spaces this is a yout...