Blog 3

 Blog 3

Weekly summary 
This Week we are spending most of our time on our visual wallpaper assignment. For this assignment, we use a print from the artist Alrecht Durer. We zoom in on this print and pick an area of it to draw. This assignment will teach us to see and understand visual textures as well as learn how to use line weight correctly.
I chose the image of Adam and Eve. I enjoyed this image because of its complexity. only when you zoom in do you see all the details that went into it. Alrecht Durer created this print based off of Adam and Eve in the Graden of Eden. He wanted to show them moments before the fall of man. He depicted them as perfect humans, just as God made them. I chose a section from the top right corner with a Goat standing on the ledge of a cliff. This goat represents lust and damnation. I picked this section because I think it has a great composition with a mix of dark and light spaces. It also has a goat in it which is just fun!

Reading Notes
Chapter 3 Sketching Interiors 
  • Negative space drawings are when you draw the positive space as the negative space
  • when figuring out composition it is important to see if the positive and negative spaces are balanced and negative space drawing help with that
  • balance includes 2 things:
    • balance of position- the forms and spaces in the drawings should be balanced relative the the vertical and horizontal axes  
    • balance of value- the darkness and brightness should balance each other out
  • a good composition often has a focal point on the left side 
  • the focal point should be the area where you add the most detail
  • using a viewfinder can help you see what your composition might look like
  • shading is important to drawing it can create lighter and darker spaces and make objects look 3D
  • Negative space drawings can make you see things in a different view than what you would normally 
Chapter 1-3 Color Studies 
  • Hue- name of the color
  • value- lightness and darkness of a color
  • light consists of waves of energy that travel at different wavelengths 
  • as light passes into the eye it comes in contact with the covering near the back of the eye called the retina which consists of rods and cones 
  • rods allow the brain to see dimly lit forms 
  • the cones help perceive hues 
  • color is a sensation that is the result of light 
  • when light strikes a surface, certain wavelengths are absorbed and others are reflected by its pigments which is color matter
  • there are many factors affecting our perception of color, such as the surroundings, its surface, texture, and lighting conditions 
  • the eye works with the brain to figure out what colors we are seeing 
  • local color is the effect of colors as seen in white daylight 
  • Optical color is hies as seen in lighting conditions other than white daylight
  • subtractive color is the process of mixing pigments together 
  • additive color is the process of mixing colored light together 
  • color wheels are color arrangments or structures that enable us to organize color
  • primary colors are red yellow and blue 
  • secondary colors are the mixing of primary colors 
  • tertiary colors are when you mix colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  • complementary hue is the hue that occupies the position directly opposite on the color wheel
  • the light wheel is based on the additive color system and provides information concerning light rays and transparent color 
  • the first color theorist was Empedocles, he came to the conclusion that color is perceived by the eye
  • Leonardo DaVinci was the first one to come up with a color wheel, he also concluded that certain colors look different when put next to each other, simultaneous contrast 
  • He also developed the atmospheric perspective, which means that when things get far away we see them as the same hue
  • Moses Harris said that the primary colors were red yellow and blue
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was one of the first modern thinkers to investigate and record the function of the eye and its interpretation of color 
  • He assigned a number to each of the hues according to their relative luminosity ex, Yellow =9 orange=8 red=6 green=6, blue =4 violet =3 white =10
  • Phillipp Otto Runge created the first 3D color shere 
  • JC Maxwell experimented with the conquest of additive color and its resulting color combinations as a property of the behavior of light 
  • Michel Eugene Chevreul found out that all colors can come from a combo of red, yellow, and blue 
  • Wilhelm Ostwald based his color model on geometric progression. A value scale based on the absorption qualities 
  • At CIE a need for standardizing color became apparent 
  • Alfred Hickethier considered himself with color reproduction in printing, particularly the multicolor gravure
  • Josef Albers studied how colors interact 

Sketchbook #4


  1. I love how detailed you were with your notes and the process for your visual wallpaper. The symbolism is super interesting!

  2. I really like the section that you chose for the visual wallpaper, it'll be a nice contrast between values. Also, I love how you set up your summary into bullet points for easy reading and understanding. In addition, your negative space drawing of the chair looks great!

  3. I love the organization of your notes and how nicely they state everything that we learned with a few extra fun facts!

  4. Bethany,
    This blog post was excellent. Love the summary and bullet points of the reading. I especially enjoyed your description of "Adam and Eve" and the symbolism it portrayed. The small section you chose was outstanding. I can't wait to see the final product. Great job on your sketch this week.
    Total Points: 50/50


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