Blog 2

Blog 2

Weekly summary 

This week we talked about light, color texture, and pattern. This was an extension of the elements of design that we learned last week. We learned about the different ways you can have light such as ambient, task, accent, and mood lighting and how those impact the space you are in. We also learned about color. Color is very important to interior design, certain colors can make a room feel a certain way. Pattern is something that can also add a visual element to your room. One thing that stood out the me the most this week is that texture makes a big impact on color. I forget that texture matters. But when you think about it the shadows from the texture create many different ways for the light to play with the color. Here is an example  of texture, light, and color used in interior design

Reading Notes:
Chapter 2 Sketching Interiors 

  • the line is a mark made by a pencil, pen, marker, or other writing instrument and is often described as a moving dot.
  • variety in thickness of line creates interest in a drawing
  • lines can be described as nervous, soft, heavy, wavy, or many other things 
  • Artists like Da Vinci used lines to capture objects, movement light, and depth 
  • there are a few different types of lines, they are a variety of line weights, skip lines, exciting line
  • a line needs to be deliberate and confident 
  • lines need to be crossed at corners when two lines intersect, try not to lace a gap at the corner 
  • for hatching 45-degree sticks usually are good 
  • contour line drawing uses lines to capture objects, there is no shading or brightness and darkness on the drawing, and there is no evidence of 3-D form 
  • tips for drawing contour line drawings:
  • be loose and relaxed
  • perceive the object with your sense of sight and touch
  • use different line weights and other line qualities in drawing 
Chapter 11 Color Studies 
  • surface color denotes the hue of an object as a whole, like green grass
  • value helps to determine the relative position of an object in space 
  • the background of any piece is essential to the advancing and receding effects of any hue placed on it
  • distance between any object and the observer involves a change in color perception 
  • The type of illusionary space that can be created are shallow median and for reading 
  • shallow space is usually created by simple shading of forms and simple overlapping 
  • Medium space is the depth that is conveyed by ordinary vision
  • Far-reaching space is the kind seen in panoramic photos or landscapes when we appear to look out to the horizon 
  • to use colors fully you need to know the differences between them 
  • Transparency is when objects overlap but are still seen in their entirety
  • equivocal space conveys the feeling that the space is changing as we view it
  • if a light value is placed on top of a dark one the value of the overlap will be darker than the light value but lighter than the dark value and vice versa
  • a translucent object allows light to pass through but the material is not entirely transparent. Light is partially blocked 
  • Translucency depends on the effect created by the density and texture of the translucent layer
  • the volume of solid objects is fairly easily rendered because of their local color
  • the open door with light streaming through affects the surface color of objects in that the light forms a layer upon their surfaces, this is called film color
  • Intensity can produce effects on objects in space 
  • strong intercity makes an object large 
  • small areas are better rendered when done with brighter hues 
  • the presentation is important when presenting a project 
  • the color you outline something affects how the eye sees it 
  • the most legible colors together are black and yellow 
  • thin lines can appear lighter and thick lines can appear darker 
  • the shape is a bounded flat area 
  • form is a 3-D shape 
  • Highlight is the area where the light source strikes the object 
  • the light area is the area that surrounds the light and appears rather light 
  • a cast shadow is an area that relies on the light source to impart its direction and strength 
  • the texture of a surface also influences the color
  • most reflective surfaces are smooth and shiny 
  • when no definite light source is noted the shading is termed logical shading 
  • irradiation finds the objects related to the ground 
  • a crisp delineation of all forms is known as linear composition 
  • different types of lights are artificial lighting, incandescent lights, electric arc lights, fluorescent lights, compact fluorescent lamps, and light-emitting diodes

Sketchbook #3
Contour line room drawing 


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